EBOE approves personnel actions

A principal contract for Dr. Jason Hadden was approved at the Enterprise Board of Education meeting April 26. Hadden will be principal at Harrand Creek Elementary School for the next school year.

Other personnel actions approved are:


Jon Styler, bus driver, Transportation Department;

Raymond Bonds, eight-hour custodian, Hillcrest Elementary School;


Jessica Mendez, fifth grade teacher, Hillcrest Elementary School;

William Massey, eight-hour custodian, Dauphin Junior High School;

Charity Floyd, fourth grade teacher, Rucker Boulevard Elementary School;

Karen Chavarria, six and one half hour child nutrition program worker, Child Nutrition Program;

Kathryn Harris, physical education teacher, Coppinville Junior High School;

Ashley Gresko, music teacher, Holly Hill Elementary School;

Lauren Jernigan, first grade teacher, Holly Hill Elementary School;

Emily Breedlove, first grade teacher, Harrand Creek Elementary School;

Hannah Bruner, English teacher, Dauphin Junior High School;

Debra Hope, principal, Coppinville Junior High School;

Jamie Waters, English teacher, Enterprise High School;


Robin Richard, child nutrition program manager, Early Education Center;

Sabin Kutschat, guidance secretary, Enterprise High School;

Keith Lewis, bus driver, Transportation Department;

Justin Hornsby, bus driver, Transportation Department;


Erin Rosa, First Class Pre-K teacher, Early Education Center to elementary teacher grade and school to be announced;

Jennifer Goodson, clerical aide, Enterprise High School, to guidance secretary, Enterprise High School;


Kaleb Kelley, elementary teacher, grade to be announced, Rucker Boulevard Elementary School;

Peyton Moore, elementary teacher, grade to be announced, Hillcrest Elementary School;

Tracy Kyser, social science teacher, Enterprise High School;

Caroline Nunn, elementary teacher, grade to be announced;

Toni Branson, elementary teacher, grade to be announced, Hillcrest Elementary School;

Sharon Vaughan, elementary teacher, grade to be announced Pinedale Elementary School;

Daisy Lott, elementary teacher, grade to be announced, Rucker Boulevard Elementary School;

Caleb Trawick, digital media integration technician, Enterprise City Schools;

Cameron Williams, eight-hour custodian, Dauphin Junior High School;

Donna Lampley, part-time teacher, Enterprise City Schools;

Marie Caliandro, bus driver, Transportation Department;

Yoland Reese, eight-hour custodian, Early Education Center;

Debra Hope, student services supervisor, Enterprise City Schools;

Lorri Brown, six-and-one-half hour child nutrition program worker, Child Nutrition Program; and Susan Fournier, seven-hour child nutrition program worker, Child Nutrition Program.

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